Costco Canada Markdown Monday Full Calendar for 2018!

If you shop at Costco and want to take advantage of the best sales, make sure to check out Markdown Mondays!

It’s every fourth Monday and it’s when they mark items down to get rid of them. So, anything ending in .97 is a markdown. You might see them on other days, but these days you’ll notice a ton of them. They’re not highlighted, you have to look for them in the store.

You can find anything on markdown – from electronics, food – but mostly clothing and toys. They are different store to store and once they’re gone, they’re gone.

Here is the calendar for 2018:

  • January 22nd
  • Feb. 19th – closed in most provinces so should move to the Tuesday, 20th
  • March 19th
  • April 16th
  • May 14th
  • June 11th
  • July 9th
  • August 6th
  • September 3rd – stores are closed on the Monday across Canada – so the markdowns SHOULD be on the tuesday
  • October 1st
  • October 29th
  • November 26th
  • December 24th

These dates are subject to change for holidays etc.

I’ll keep everyone posted on them. And make sure to check in on those Mondays as I’ll post what I find.