City of Winnipeg Rain Barrel and Composter Sale!

Saturday May 11th the city is having their compost bin and rain barrel sale! We bought our compost bin there a few years ago and it’s still going good, hoping to pick up a rain barrel this year.

The sale is from 8am to 4pm but it’s basically until they sell out. The compost bins are $30 (reg. $100) and the rain barrels are $50 (reg. $120).

They will be set up at 4 locations, Garden City, Polo Park, Toys R Us on Regent and the St. Vital Centennial arena.

Check out the city’s website for all the info and exact locations. Be prepared, expect long lineups and hope for warm weather while you wait outside 🙂 Great cheap way to be more green in the backyard this summer, and to save even more by using less water.