Children's Hospital Book Sale at St. Vital Centre coming up!
If you’ve been waiting for the next book market at St. Vital Centre, mark it down for Feb. 2nd to 4th!
This is a great time to pick up books for the whole family at a fraction of the cost.
If you haven’t been before, it’s set up all over the mall. Tables for all kinds of books – kids, art, music, comedy, travel – you name it, they have it! The books are in great condition and it’s all sorted and staffed by volunteers and raises a lot of money for the Children’s Hospital.
The books go quickly though – if you’re looking for specific ones head down there quickly! There are a lot of people with carts full of books, and considering the prices it’s understandable. When you’re done with the books, they can be donated back also, which is great!
Over the years we’ve found all kinds of great books, and I like that you can find entire sets, rare books etc.