Chicken Soup for the soul has another great new book out – Say Goodbye to Back Pain. It’s filled with informative stories but also leading-edge medical information to help with back pain. It teaches you how to handle flare-ups, injuries and everyday back health.
A great book for anyone who suffers from back pain, there’s preventative exercises with easy to follow instructions and diagrams, how to get yourself the correct diagnosis for your back pain, and tons of other information and helpful advice. There’s an amazing amount of info in this book, and lots of stories you can commiserate with – could be a good help and inspiration to those with back problems for sure. It’s always nice to hear how other dealt with it, resolved it, endured it etc.
And thanks to Chicken Soup, 2 lucky people will each be winning their own copy of this book – to enter comment with why you want to win this book! Giveaway open to all Canadians and will end Wednesday Sept. 5th at noon – Good luck to everyone!
This would be great for my dad. He injured his back years ago, and has unsuccessfully gone for surgery. He hasn’t been able to work since. It would be a great read for him.
Back pain is not fun! I’m always looking for info and ulternative meducinev on dealing with back pain after my car accident and the childbirth experience.
This one grabbed my attention right away as I live with a man with chronic back pain! It’s gotten so bad that dressing the children, washing dishes or twisting the wrong way can send shooting pain up his back and rather wreck the rest of the day. It’s become increasingly difficult over the past two years and hard for me to understand at times what he copes with. This book could be super helpful to both of us . . .
I need this book…I had back labour with both my boys and ever since I have had the worst back pain daily and It’s almost as if they broke my back and it never healed properly…plz pick me lol
Good luck to everyone as well 🙂
would luv to say good-bye to back pain. have tried almost going back to the chiropractor to see if he can ease the pain of the sciatica. what a drag.
Hi Linda
Have you checked out Active Release techinques, or active release therapy?
One of my coworkers metioned this therapy to me and said if conventional phsyio didnt help to try this.
I went to a private physio for the first bit but only got worse. I then got into physio at the HSC which is thankfully covered by Manitoba Health. They gave me this exercise they called glilding to help ease my severaly compressed sciatic nerve!
I did some of thoese exercises and while it wasn’t pleasant at first I found that it did help in easing the tingly feeling. I then googled nerve gliding to see what I could find on it and discovered that it is an exercise that they do in Active Release Therapy.
Linda I would google this and also check out some youtube vidoes about it to see if it will help you.
The only thing my physio said was to not do anything that is painful. So the movements at first at very little until you feel up to moving more.
Hope it helps.
This is my first bout with severe back pain and I feel for those who have suffered for longer than than me.
I would love to win this for my husband because he has constant back pain and pulled out his back this spring which made is worse and doctors don’t do anything.
I’ve been dealing with chronic back pain for over three years. I appreciate the opportunity to increase my toolbox for dealing with this limiting condition. Thanks for the opportunity to win this book!
I would love to win this book. Since I hurt my back 6 months ago , it still is not 100 % and I would love to read some more info on back pain.
I would LOVE to win this book for my mom! She always has back pains and i think this would really help her!
I have had chronic back pain for over twenty years, since a fall at age16, and my husband suffers As qwll due to a car accident. This would be great for us to read together.
I work in health care, as a nurse’s aide. I think this book would be a help for myself and my co-workers, as any hints and tips are worth a try!
I think that this would be a wonderful book to read to prevent back pain.
How timely! I have been suffering all summer with a back injury 🙁
I would love to win this.