Are you feeling stressed out lately? Too many things on your plate and not enough time to deal with it all? Or financial stresses? So many possibilities, and the new Chicken Soup for the Soul book, Say Goodbye to Stress addresses so many of them!
The format of this book is pretty different, there are stories but also a lot of information on how to recognize stress, polls, and lots and lots of great tips and advice.
The chapters are stop being your own worst enemy, triumph over tragedy, killer jobs – stress and the workplace, home is where the heat is, preventing monetary meltdown, emotions and thoughts, mind your stress and de-stress your lifestyle. Covers most areas of stress and it’s really well put together.
One thing I really like about this book is that it’s a bit smaller and thinner than a usual chicken soup book, it’s perfect to tuck into your purse or a drawer at work and pull it out when you need some inspiration. It’s really like a self help book for dealing with stress, with lots of great friendly advice thrown in.
2 lucky people will each be winning their own copy of this book – to enter comment below with what stresses you out the most in life, or any tips for dealing with stress. Contest open to all Canadians and will end Tuesday July 24th at noon.
Being a new mommy And learning as you go. I try and take breaks to gather my thoughts or read 🙂
Breath! That’s the most common thing I have to keep telling myself!
Also – pick your battles, with your kids, your spouse – is it really worth it? And who’s going to stress about it more…
I take naps to avoid being overtired and stressed out.
I love summer, but I find all the outdoor work that comes with it, rather stressful, especially if you have a large yard to maintain. De-stress by hearing the birds sing, seeing a colorful flower that has just opened, a beautiful butterfly, the fresh clean air, hearing children playing outdoors & giggling without a care in the world; taking a drive away from home.
Trying to balance it all is always stressful. I try to remember what my highest priorities are and make sure that’s where I’m spending my time and energy. At the end of the day I want to say I did all that I could be in the areas that matter most.
I just try to breath and re-focus my attention.
Money issues is what stresses me the most… No cure for it ever 😛
Work stresses me out the most! I try not to think about it outside of work (but that can be tough) so I make sure to spend time with family and friends, participate in activities I enjoy, and just breathe….meditation and yoga are great
What doesn’t stress me out….I’m a worrier to start :
Family living outta town and NEVER having a break from the kids is one
Dealing with my oldest son’s father every Saturday and it causing tension between me n my spouse
Worrying about not bieng a good enough mom…etc lol
where to begin???
guess the biggest issue is just everyday life and health issues.
really need a book like this to point me in the right direction.
Breathe and try to remember the things that really matters most to your life!