Berry Picking and more in Manitoba!

DSC_0008  If you’re dreaming of fresh berries and all kinds of summer fruit there are a lot of   options in   Manitoba!

If you want to go out and pick them yourself, here’s a great resource for all kinds of Upick places. Once you choose the place that works for you, keep an eye out to see when their fruit are ready, what their pick times are and what the conditions are like. If you’re heading out to upick, remember to bring rubber boots just in case, lots of bug spray, water etc.  A lot of the places now have things for the family to do too, so you can really make a day of it. Just make sure to check that they’re not picked clean when you want to go.


If you’re looking for something in the city check out FruitShare. It’s $10 for a membership and this gets you access to everything they offer. If you’re a homeowner with a fruit tree but you can’t pick it yourself, this is a great option. If you’re looking for fruit and don’t have a tree – same thing. This is a really neat system, makes sure no fruit goes to waste and helps out a lot of people.

If you’re like me and going out to pick is not so appealing there are a lot of other options too. Several places in Winnipeg will have fresh berries brought in daily – but they do go fast! Jardins St Leon gets berries picked that morning but they really fly off the shelves so you have to be ready. Cramptons has a lot of great local fruit and berries also. And of course our many, many Farmers Markets in Winnipeg will have a great assortment of local fruit, berries, produce etc.

Another good idea is to ask around – friends, family, coworkers. There’s always people with too much of something and often they just don’t have time to pick it. Especially things like rhubarb and zucchini! If you don’t have your own garden, put the word out that you’re looking – being willing to pick for them too is always extra incentive!

There’s nothing better than fresh picked strawberries – and pretty much every other summer fruit and vegetable too is amazing fresh! I love to make cakes piled high with strawberries, strawberry ice cream and of course just eating them like that! Summer in a bite!

What are your favourite summer fruit and do you Upick? If not, where do you find the best selection? Any good tips, or recipes to share?