Beauty and the Beast 3D Giveaway!

17 Dec

 Beauty and the Beast is a favourite in our house – so glad they are releasing it in theatres again, and in 3D!! My daughter is a huge Belle fan! The movie is premiering January 13th and I think it’s going to be amazing, a movie that’s really going to pop in 3D. We’ve seen this one at home on dvd and vhs tapes, will be amazing to see it on the big screen. I’m a big Angela Lansbury fan so I always love hearing her voice in this, total nostalgia. This one was a record breaker too, it was the first animated film to break the 100 million dollar mark in it’s initial release. I think it’s because it appeals to kids and grownups and who can’t help but love the story. A true fairytale and a good lesson to not always judge on appearances.

I’m sooooo happy to announce I have 3 family passes (4 tickets each) to give away for the premiere of this movie. It will be Saturday Jan. 7th at 10am at SilverCity Polo Park. To enter, comment with what your favourite thing about Beauty and the Beast is! Contest open to all Canadians – just make sure you’re able to go to the theatre that day in Winnipeg. Contest will end Dec. 30th at noon – Good Luck to everyone, and hopefully I’ll see you on premiere day!

73 Replies to “Beauty and the Beast 3D Giveaway!

  1. Beauty and the Beast reminds me of watching with my 10 and a half year old when she was really little. She loved it!! I love the dance part at the end with Belle in her pretty yellow dress!

  2. I would love love love love to win this one I have to say that My husbands second favorite Disney Movie is Beauty and the Beast! No Joke 🙂

  3. My favorite Disney movie was Beauty and the Beast, it always makes me cry. I would love these tickets to take my daughter too.

  4. I love the love story, that she loves him for who he his despite what he looks like, i think its a great lesson for kids too that its about what’s on the inside!!

  5. I love the story line – impossible not to. even though there is a beast you can still be friends even fall in love – added bonus he is a handsome prince in the end just enough disney magic!

  6. Ihaven’t seen Beauty and the Beast since I was a child, but it was always my favourite. I’m pretty sure the teacup character was my favourite. It would be awesome to share this with my nieces!

  7. My little girl loves Belle and the Beast, she especially loves the singing teapot, Mrs. Pott and Luminiere!

    This would be an added treat to win a pass.

    Happy Holidays Everyone!

  8. My daughter would die… she loves it. She even has the tea cart… We love the songs – the music is so catchy… hope we win! 🙂

  9. I would like to win this magical tale for my son, who brings positivity in our lives and to others…
    This also reminds me of the time his mother and i hooked up. Me being the beast of course. heh heh

  10. I love the music! This would be perfect for my daughter to go to as she is getting a Belle doll that talks/sings for Christmas but doesn’t know the movie all that well. I’m excited it’s coming back in 3D!

  11. According to my girls, they love Beauty and the Beast because we love it. One says, “I like Belle’s yellow dress. It’s my favourite colour”. The other says, “I like the prince”

  12. My daughters and I love this movie. My youngest owns her own copy and chose her first barbie of Princess Belle. She loves playing with her “baby” Belle’s. I have always enjoyed that disney movie. It was third on my list of favourites. Marvelous story and music. i would love to take my daughters to see it.

  13. My daughters and I love the movie! We love to read the books as well 🙂

    I loved it when I took my daughters to Disney on Ice. The most memorable part was when the beast transformed.

  14. I hadn’t watched this movie is ages and turned to the channel it was on the other day expecting my boys to complain. My 6 yr old watched the whole thing and asked about watching it again the other day! I would love to win passes so he could see it again! Both my boys want to see the beast change back to the prince.

  15. My daughter’s love this movie as well as the Christmas one that they have. I love the characters in this movie. They are the best!

  16. We saw Beauty and the Beast at Rainbow stage a couple of years ago, it wasn’t until months later that I realized in conversation with my four year old that she actually thought that was the real Belle and the Beast, so cute, she would be thrilled to go and see it at the theater, it is one of her very favorites!!

  17. My daughter loves the movie, she always asks my husband to watch it with her. He says yes, then rolls his eyes at me & smiles, as if to tell me that it’s not exactly the movie he was hoping to watch. Then when I go into the room about half an hour later they are both so into the movie, it’s sooo cute!
    I would love to be able to take them both to the 3-D version! Thanks for the chance!

  18. I remember watching this movie as a young teen and it brings back the memories. It is an all time fav! So happy they are bringing it back!

  19. love Beauty and the Beast, it was the first movie that I ever asked to own. best Beauty and the Beast memory is recent though, sharing the movie with my 3 year old niece the other night when it was on CBC and watching her fall in love with it!

  20. I would love to take my granddaughter to see this movie. She really likes Belle and … well all the Disney princesses. I love the songs.

  21. This movie is so brilliantly done, so vibrant – and the music! It’s truly captivating for both myseld and my 5 year-old daughter. She will be 6 on January 9th – this would be a great birthday present!

  22. I have loved Beauty and the Beast since I was a little girl, now my 5 year old loves it as well. Best part is when Belle and the Beast are playing in the snow, and when Beast is feeding the birds 🙂

  23. I love the story of Beauty and the Beast, my favorite memory was when we were in Disney World and my daughter was chosen to be part of the play and she was Chip! So cute 🙂 She would love to see this in 3D! Fun!

  24. My daughters would love this. They are HUGE Beauty and The Beast fans. We watch it all the time. They would be more than thrilled if we won.

  25. I love how it teaches you that even though you may not be beautiful on the outside, the inside of a person is what matters most. Definately something I always stress to my own kids 🙂

  26. My daughter is a huge princess fan; she loves dressing up and she would be one very happy little princess to be a part of this special day.

    It is hard to pick on thing that we love the most; but we do love singing along, it has the best music ever!!

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