A few ways to start saving money

A few ways to start saving money

If you are looking to cut costs this year or just use less etc, there are so many great ways to do it. These are just a few to get started.

  • Meal plan and budget with flyers - you can plan out just dinners or every meal and snack. Simplifies things for everyone also. Use the Flyers to your advantage, try to plan meals around what you have and what's on sale . ​You can also plan to use up everything you have. Empty out the cupboards, freezers, etc.  Always good to do a full reset and make sure nothing expires.
  • Cancel subscriptions and call utilities - even things like Banks or insurance. Anything you think you might be able to get lowered or get rid of. Often when you call in, they will offer you a deal if you are thinking of canceling a subscription. You might also be paying for services that you just don't need or are not using. Ask for any customer loyalty programs, see if there's anything new since the last time you called in that you might qualify for.
  • Purge and sell on FB marketplace or Kijiji. This one is great because the whole family can chip in, and then it's always nice to get rid of some clutter. And find a new home for things.
  • Plan some free or very cheap activities. Sit down as a family with the calendar. Check out library events or take out books or video games, spend time outdoors, local community events etc   Even planning some cheap camping trips for the year if that's in the budget. Something fun to look forward to. Can combine with family and friends too. 
  • Think about buying more long-term or reusable items, often you can pick up very high value items that are still in great condition from a thrift store. You can do clothing or item swaps with friends or family too. Hand me downs are always great. And this can work for appliances, home items etc.
  • Figure out what you can do for your household to cut costs or make money for 2025, whether it's to plant a garden, meat share or garden share with another family, pick up a little side job as a family (like being extras in a TV show or a movie), figure out what you can do without this year and cut costs. 
  • See if there's anything that you are paying for that you can figure out how to do yourself or trade with someone else who can.  Maybe you can do animal grooming, have a friend or a family member who can swap your tires out or do an oil change, trade for babysitting or baking. Everyone has different skills, and it's a great way to barter and not use money.
  • If you can do a no spend or low spend month (or months)  cut out what you can, try to make things last as much as possible. Make a list of the things you need to spend money on, and then the things that you're able to cut out. Even just changing a few habits can really add up. 
  • Cut out convenience foods or make as much as you can at home. Wash and chop up your own fruits and veggies and have them all ready to eat when you get home. That way there's a lot less waste. Try your hand at making bread or bagels, pickle any veggies that might be going bad. Remember to throw things in the freezer before they turn.

What would you add to this list, what works for your family?