Want to know more about me?

My name is Nadine, I’ve been blogging since March 2009. First at http://www.savemoneyinwinnipeg.blog.ca and now here. I love writing about all kinds of deals and sales, but also local events and reviewing all types of family friendly products. My readership is Canada wide and I have a great facebook group https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/savemoneyinwinnipeg/?fref=ts  with members strictly in Manitoba. For cross Canada, follow me on my facebook page

I’ve been interviewed on the CBC many times for all types of topics and am one of their Money Saving Moms. I’ve been featured in several local publications (like the Free Press) and also nationwide in Today’s Parent. I’m always happy to answer questions on a variety of subjects.

Over the years I’ve had the honour to work with many great companies and attend a lot of fun events, including the Ikea Media Night and the Ford Escape for a Day event. I’m a Kinder Mom Ambassador, review Ford vehicles on an ongoing basis, review a lot of Disney films and events, and just recently partnered with Canadian Beef and Canada Safeway for a fun campaign. I enjoy working with companies like Mom Central and She’s Connected – such a great resource for all the mom bloggers.

I have a 10 year old daughter and a great husband. I love to read and really enjoy spending time with my family. I also love to connect with readers and companies – feel free to email me at [email protected]

14 Replies to “Want to know more about me?

    • Haven’t heard of any, but maybe come ask in the facebook group. Could be someone there with too much rhubarb for sure.

  1. Hi Nadine,

    I’m new here. I would like to know how save the money in Winnipeg works?
    Can you send me more details about it.
    Thank you.

  2. Hello,

    came across your site and was wondering how this all works? Also, what is this coupon chain I keep reading about?

    • The coupon chains are coupons you get in the mail – i send out the list and a bunch of coupons, you take what you want and add in your extras and send it to the next person. If you want to join email me with your info.

  3. Hello, I would love to join your blog as well as the coupon chain. A mothere of 2 who is looking to find ways to safe money in the Winnipeg region.

  4. Hey Nadine,

    My mom loves your blog! We use it every weekend, and it really helps us out. I’m glad you’ve made it, and it’s so helpful.

  5. You will never know the money you have saved be. I live 40 mins out of Wpg so gas travelling to stores looking for specials or deal…. I thank you on behalf of my friends, family and me. I so appreciate the work you do for us!

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